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Yoga | Hatha yoga | Nourished Soul | asana | pranayama | Anita Parr

YOGA the Nourished Soul Way

Customized Asana Practice

(movement & breath practice)

Discover who you REALLY are

and who you REALLY want to be!

Tools to increase flexibility in different aspects of your life

(mentally, emotionally and physically)

Custom tailered meditation practices

Learn ways to connect with your 

inner strength, wisdom and joy!

Self-empowerment practices

Self-transformation practices

Anita Parr | Yoga Wellness Practitioner | happy | yogi

To bring steadiness and positivity to the mind;

the body; the breath; and our senses, choices

and relationships - this is the goal of yoga.

- A.G. Mohan



Yoga provides you with powerful and effective tools
to begin and sustain your sobriety.
This solution focused program is an opportunity to learn and implement tools that will guide you to the place of pure love, joy, abundance and freedom that is awaiting
to awaken within you.
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